VIS218 - Scrapbook - Spring 2021

Ideas Change...
What was your very first idea for your Series website?

Name: Ally Kim
Response: My first idea was to make a website featuring various cafe drinks around the world, their recipes, and how cafe cultures differ around the world.

Name: Hazel Lee
Response: My idea was to make a website analyzing the product placement, layout, and interior design of various grocery store chains.

Name: Sophie Torres
Response: My idea was to document important objects around me room, or objects that meant a lot to me. Didn't do that because I thought that the smaller, stupid things would be more fun.

Name: MC Otani
Response: My first idea was to do a series about soy, and making different soy recipes to try. I think it would have actually ended up having a very similar strucure to my patternmaking series

Name: Kelly
Response: My first idea was to track my life through Taylor Swift albums and think about how each era represented a different time in my own life and how my listening has changed over time.

Name: Megan
Response: One of my first ideas was to create a site based on complicated/illegible manuals for old machines.

Name: Amanda
Response: An idea I briefly had but ended up abandoning during the first class was one that would commemorate random, obscure, silly memes that I enjoyed for no particular reason. I wanted to save them and see if their humor held up months after the inital save or if I only found them funny at a particular time. I'm glad I came up with better ideas, but I would love to add memes into my website in some way going forward.

Name: Amy
Response: My First idea was to spend 5 sundays pursuing various creative projects and then documenting the process and product on my website.

Name: Laurel
Comment: I loved looking through this list -- I still love a lot of your first ideas! Maybe you can return to them someday, in a future context or sitaution. Also, maybe some of you already do this -- but I think it's a good idea to keep a list of your old ideas (rejected for whatever reason) for use later.